multi-platform campaigns
As an Elite Partner with NZME, we specialise in creating comprehensive multi-platform campaigns spanning radio, digital, and social media. Our recent success includes a tailored campaign for Orizen Tyres in Petone, Kapiti, and Palmerston North. Collaborating closely with NZME, we meticulously plan campaigns to showcase and elevate your brand, effectively reaching and resonating with your target audience.
Through seamless integration across radio, digital audio, print, and digital platforms on over 50 of New Zealand's premier media brands, NZME stands as the nation's leading integrated media group, reaching an extensive audience of 3.5 million Kiwis.
Elevate your brand's visibility today with impactful and innovative campaigns crafted by our expert teams. Whether aiming for a broad audience, niche market, or local connections, advertising with NZME ensures prominent placement in front of those who matter most to your business.
Discover the influential power of Radio and Digital Advertising with us, and let us help you achieve your marketing goals and drive success for your brand.